16 June 2022: XVI INTERNATIONAL MEETING CITTA’ DI GROSSETO powered by JUMP, “A Smile for Life”

JUMP and ATLETICA GROSSETO Banca Tema, with CONI, European Athletics, WorldAthletics, Pietro Mennea Foundation, Regione Toscana, Grosseto Province andMunicipality, Monte Argentario Municipality endorsement for the project “A Smile for Life”,powered up the Meeting Città di Grosseto, with a new communication and strategy in termof digital contents thanks to Web Athletics partenrship.

Florence, 23.03.2022

JUMP and Atletica Grosseto Banca Tema are the organizers for 16th International Meeting Città di Grosseto, which will see the participation of many young italian and international talents. A meeting which motto would be smiling to each and every one life experience, and will be held on next 16th June 2022.

“A Smile for Life” is the sentiment of many young athletes and of whoever thinks that results come with just work and sacrifice with no shortcuts, willing to win with respect of competitors, of anybody made unlucky events to be the beginning of a new life, with no distinction about gender, skin colour, religion.

Alfio Giomi tells, “A Smile for Life” is born from Ambra Sabatini resurrence to life after her car accident, a girl that found the strength to smile and encourage everybody in her hospital room, while she would have to face a future life without a leg.

“A Smile for Life” is the link between past and present red with new strategies in term of digital communication and a new managerial lead of the International Meeting Città di Grosseto. A link that bounds the protagonists of the XVI th edition and enable a new way of interpreting sports and its limits.

As a matter of relevance the presence of few female stars of italian athletics, Larissa Iapichino and Nadia Battocletti are just two the most relevant. Beyond the events belonging to the World Athletics Continental Tour – Challenger (ranking D), the organizers have introduced a paralympic event, as 100 T63, which will be a real witness of respect of the territory (Monte Argentario Municipality, Grosseto Province, Toscany Region) for Ambra Sabatini and for every person succeded in transforming difficult moments if life lessons. Ambra and her national team companions Monica Contrafatto and Martina Caironi will be also present as in the Olympic Tokyo 2020 final.

For this reason also Pietro Mennea Foundation will be endorsing the International Meeting Città di Grosseto. And the Foundation has been put in place with the purpose of keeping to transmit sports values to our young people.

Given these premises and these values a new Logo has been studied for the event, a “G” which embrace sports and “youngsters” of any age.

Moreover a new set of Social media & Web channels have been launched: Instagram @GrossetoMeeting FB GrossetoMeeting, www.grossetomeeting.com where you will see contacts and program of the meeting.

The formula will be an invitational with likely unique series and 8 participants for event.

Competition Grid

Men: 100, 200, 400, 800, Pole Vault, Triple Jump

Women: 100, 200,100hs, Long Jump, Triple Jump, 3/5000m, 100 T63 Paralympic

Regional Events: to be defined

Giovanni Iapichino and Silvia Saliti, founders and administrators of JUMP add up: “It is a super strong motivation for our company to be both organizers and sponsor of this meeting that got the World Athletics Continental Tour – Challenger (ranking D) and will be held on one of the best track and field facility in Italy. This is an opportunity for many young athletes to try to get the standards for the many international events which will happen this summer in July and August. This is just the beginning with the goal of keeping to have an international activity for this historical and prestigious meeting in Tuscany”

Adriano Buccelli then: “We are proud of bringing back the tradition of the International Meeting di Città di Grosseto which in the ‘80s made Grosseto well known in the world. A magical edition was the one of 1987, in which the back on track of Pietro Mennea was broadcasted live on TG1. Thanks to our partner JUMP and also to all the Territorial institutions (Toscany Region, Grosseto Province, Monte Argentario and Grosseto Municipality) without which this meeting could have not been organized”.

Per Media Kit, Sponsorship Info, Subscrition of Athletes

Ufficio Stampa, JUMP Srl, Mobile: +39 347 7883311 Email info@jump4excellence.com

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